Ship Till X
Shipping Orders Based on Cutoff Times and Shipping Days
By Steve Ewing in Business
October 24, 2024
Business Question
Take all the orders for the last fiscal year. For weeks 1-18 there is 5 day a week shipping and for weeks 19-52 there is 6 day a week shipping. Assuming we ship all orders that arrive before a given cutoff that day and all orders that arrive after the cutoff the next business day what percent of the weekly orders fall on each day of the week?
orders <- arrow::read_parquet("./data/orders_recent.parquet") |>
date_of_date_purchased = as.Date(date_purchased),
time_of_date_purchased = as_hms(format(date_purchased, "%H:%M:%S"))
) |>
left_join(fiscal_calendar, by = c("date_of_date_purchased" = "date")) |>
filter(fiscal_year == 2024) |>
fiscal_week = fiscl_week,
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
## orders_id date_of_date_purchased time_of_date_purchased fiscal_week
## <int> <date> <time> <dbl>
## 1 18519115 2023-10-01 20:11:14 1
## 2 18519117 2023-10-01 20:13:16 1
## 3 18519119 2023-10-01 20:13:35 1
## 4 18519121 2023-10-01 20:21:15 1
## 5 18519123 2023-10-01 20:21:47 1
## 6 18519125 2023-10-01 20:22:33 1
## # ℹ 1 more variable: day_of_week <ord>
# Define the cutoff times for Weeks 1-18 (Monday to Friday)
cutoff_times_1_18 <- c(
"08:00:00", # Monday (1)
"10:00:00", # Tuesday (2)
"12:00:00", # Wednesday (3)
"14:00:00", # Thursday (4)
"14:00:00" # Friday (5)
# Define the cutoff times for Weeks 19-52 (Monday to Saturday)
cutoff_times_19_52 <- c(
"08:00:00", # Monday (1)
"10:00:00", # Tuesday (2)
"12:00:00", # Wednesday (3)
"12:00:00", # Thursday (4)
"14:00:00", # Friday (5)
"14:00:00" # Saturday (6)
First write and apply the function to adjust the shipping day
# Adjust shipping day function with variable cutoff times for each period
adjust_shipping_day <- function(day_of_week, time_of_day, fiscal_week) {
# Determine the shipping days and cutoff times based on fiscal week
if (fiscal_week <= 18) {
shipping_days <- 1:5 # Monday to Friday
cutoff_times <- cutoff_times_1_18
} else {
shipping_days <- 1:6 # Monday to Saturday
cutoff_times <- cutoff_times_19_52
# Check if the current day is a shipping day
if (day_of_week %in% shipping_days) {
# Get the cutoff time for the current day
cutoff_time <- as_hms(cutoff_times[which(shipping_days == day_of_week)])
# If placed after the cutoff time, shift to the next day
if (time_of_day > cutoff_time) {
next_day <- day_of_week + 1
} else {
next_day <- day_of_week
} else {
# If current day is not a shipping day, start from the next day
next_day <- day_of_week + 1
# Wrap around if next_day exceeds 7 (Sunday)
if (next_day > 7) {
next_day <- next_day - 7
# Find the next available shipping day
next_shipping_day <- shipping_days[shipping_days >= next_day][1]
# If no shipping day is found, wrap around to the first shipping day
if ( {
next_shipping_day <- shipping_days[1]
# Create a vector of day labels starting from Monday (1) to Sunday (7)
day_labels <- c("Monday",
# Apply the adjusted shipping day function to orders
orders <- orders |>
day_of_week = wday(date_of_date_purchased, label = FALSE, week_start = 1),
time_of_date_purchased = as_hms(time_of_date_purchased),
adjusted_day = mapply(
adjusted_day_label = day_labels[adjusted_day]
Now, we group the orders by the adjusted shipping day and calculate the percentage distribution.
# Calculate distributions for Weeks 1-18
distribution_1_18 <- orders |>
filter(fiscal_week <= 18) |>
mutate(week_set = "Weeks 1-18") |>
group_by(adjusted_day, adjusted_day_label, week_set) |>
summarize(order_count = n(), .groups = "drop") |>
ungroup() |> # Remove grouping to calculate total orders across all days
total_orders = sum(order_count),
percentage = round((order_count / total_orders) * 100, 2)
# Calculate distributions for Weeks 19-52
distribution_19_52 <- orders |>
filter(fiscal_week >= 19) |>
mutate(week_set = "Weeks 19-52") |>
group_by(adjusted_day, adjusted_day_label, week_set) |>
summarize(order_count = n(), .groups = "drop") |>
ungroup() |> # Remove grouping
total_orders = sum(order_count),
percentage = round((order_count / total_orders) * 100, 2)
# Combine the distributions
combined_distribution <- bind_rows(distribution_1_18, distribution_19_52) |>
select(!total_orders) |> # Remove the total orders column
select(!order_count) # Remove the order count column)
# Display the final distribution
theme = "striped")
adjusted_day | adjusted_day_label | week_set | percentage |
1 | Monday | Weeks 1-18 | 29.72 |
2 | Tuesday | Weeks 1-18 | 18.91 |
3 | Wednesday | Weeks 1-18 | 18.45 |
4 | Thursday | Weeks 1-18 | 17.12 |
5 | Friday | Weeks 1-18 | 15.80 |
1 | Monday | Weeks 19-52 | 19.91 |
2 | Tuesday | Weeks 19-52 | 18.37 |
3 | Wednesday | Weeks 19-52 | 18.22 |
4 | Thursday | Weeks 19-52 | 15.06 |
5 | Friday | Weeks 19-52 | 16.85 |
6 | Saturday | Weeks 19-52 | 11.59 |